Sunday, March 30, 2008

Barnsburg Time Trial this Sunday

Hello  Crew,

We will conduct the 2nd Event of the 2008 Barnsburg Time Trial Series this coming Sunday, April 6.  First rider off at 2 PM.

This event is for anybody and everybody who would like to post a time for the eight mile course. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A RACER TO POST A TIME. It is not for just our racing crew but our entire crew!!!  Please consider coming out to see how fast you can ride eight miles and then do it again in the summer and fall to see how much faster (or slower) you are getting.

Here's how it will work: 

In a time trail, one rider leaves the starting line every minute. The riders start time is recorded and when they finish, that time is recorded as well. There is no drafting allowed and each rider much navigate the course alone (with the exception of signed in teams). Based on the starting times and finishing times of each participant, the time trail official will calculate each riders total time on the course.

For this event, we will send our racing crew off first.... We will do this to get those folks out of the way for our club riders to feel comfortable having the course to themselves.

Please park at the Barnsburg Church, then ride one mile east to the start/finish area to get checked in and to get your start time.  Warm up on the course at will.  First rider off at 2 PM.  Plan to arrive between 1 and 1:30 so you can get ready, warmed up and checked in before you start time.

The course is a rolling, out and back course that can be rather challenging. Everybody will ride out 4 miles, turn around and go back to the starting area.

If you do not want to have your result posted on our web pages, please indicate this to the official and your time will not be published.

Two-person, three-person, and four-person teams will be accepted. If you are interested in this venue, form your team, give yourself a name and check in as a team. Teams will be timed based on the last member to finish.


I want us to be a fun team.... bike racing is fun and your team and club will support you only if you are having fun - winning or placing well is a bonus for us - but it is your sport... and if you're not having fun, what's the point? 

ALL ARE WELCOME TO POST A TIME. Honor our club and team by your participation!  Every time posted is truly an honor to process.

a complete history of  times posted:

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