Doug Vito, RDCS
Chief Cardiac Sonographer
Danville Cardiovascular Consultants
Danville, KY 40422
On Mar 18, 2011, at 10:37 PM, jt
Thursday’s team ride was…. well I can’t seem to come up with the right
word for it…Awesome.
Doug Vito, Glenn Olmstead, Jack Evans, Kevin McKinney (KMACK) and JT
meet at Barnsburg and took off to ride the Cannon Ball Road Circuit
clockwise. These five riders rode very well together, and the only
time anybody had to wait, they had to wait for me, JT, the guy to
invoked the “one minute rule” at turns or hill tops. The east side of
Cannon Ball Hill just kicks my butt.
The ride was very cohesive going out despite blistering turns at the
front by KMACK and Jack. The rest of us just enjoyed a fast draft on
Jack and KMAC’S bank account. Reaching Cannon Ball Hill, JT (me) was
the first to fall off the pace…. And I think it all shattered from
there. I wouldn't personally know, because I was about an hour behind
in the first five minutes of the climb.
Upon recollecting at the top of Cannon Ball, it was home free all the
way back to Barnsburg with the exception of the German Shepard hill.
Going up that hill, Glenn and Doug opened up some daylight on JT,
KMACK and Jack and they decided to run with it. Going down the hill
and into the fast flats leading to Shopville school, KMACK and Jack
worked very very hard to get Glenn and Doug back in before hw 80, but
they never did!!!!! I was very impressed.
I didn’t lift a finger to bring the duo back, because I didn’t have a
finger to lift! I just stayed on Jack and KMACKs wheel.
Once at Shopville school, everybody prepared for the run-in to the
finish. JT took up a perfect “gate-keeping” position on the back, and
refused to enter the rotation of turns on the front into a 15 mph wind
(gate-keeping). Doug and Glenn caught on to JTs stratigy half way
across Barnsburg Road, and began to gate-keep with me… which left
KMACK and Jack to do all of the work.
Realizing that 3/5th of the field had stopped working, Jack jumped
really hard for about 5 seconds, not so much to get away, as to
breakup the “gate-work” behind him, and it worked.
The great thing about a really early attack (like Jacks) is that the
rest of the riders simply can not ignore it, and absolutely have to
respond. Jacks goal was to breakup the gate-works behind him and force
the gate-keepers into a scramble to get on his wheel – thus
effectively causing the situation to collapse into a less organized
state (speeds collapsed, Jack and KMACK were then able to stop pulling
Doug, JT and Glenn, and the ride entered a state of no organization…
Everyone waiting for an odd attack from the slowing moving, disarrayed
300 Yards to go, the Sh%t hit the fan, and I can’t now remember to
started it. In fact, I can’t even remember who won it mainly because I
was nowhere near it (well behind it).
If I am not mistaken, KMACK launched the end-game with every body
responding. And if I am not even further mistaken, it was either Doug
or Jack who actually got the sprint.
Just like very year, we have guys who can do well at road cycling
races. In the past years, we have (always had) Jack and Roger. We
have had riders come and go – race then take whole years off…. I for
one took last year off. We have had Aaron and Jenny Denney, Brad
Johnson, Adam Bourne, Charles Senters, Brad Herrmann Jay Garmin and
several others.
This year, we have a great crew!!! Jack Evans, Roger Whitlock (tt
specialist), JT (back from a year off), Doug Vito, Glenn Olmstead,
Steven Toby, Barry Garrison, Kevin McKinney (ms), Ricky Farmer and
many others who are completely capable of racing in road events and
getting same-time finishes.
Good luck to all of those racing this weekend. (Nobody is expecting to
win – it is a training event for the crew)