Wednesday, August 6, 2008

End of Summer Update

I don't think it is to anybody's surprise that this has been an extremely busy and stressful summer for me.  I put my Son into his new school this morning, and I drove home to Somerset. Of all of the things I could feel, I simply feel tired. I feel like resting for a week!  Trip to Colorado; took my Son to Utah and left him there for nine weeks to wonder around the desert... went back to Utah to see him  in July... now he's back and I took him to his new school this morning up in Indy.... National Championships.... all of the racing... traveling. It's a lot for a simple person like me. If you come by my house and I have a "do not disturb" sign up on my door, you'll know why. I need rest. I do want to thank very body for your prayers and well wishes concerning my Son.  I am happy to report, he is doing well at the moment. I am hopeful.
This weekend we can train together because we have no races
As a club and team, we still have some of our most important events still ahead of us. There is nothing this weekend, so I would love to organize a big ride for Saturday - Start at the Vision Center, Saturday Morning at 11 AM and ride either to Laurel River Dam or London.  60 miles either way - I hope everybody can make it for this ride!!!  If you'd like to do this ride but want to know more about it, please give me a call and I will be honest with you.. 606-215-8307
Sunday we will ride from the Vision Center - route to be decided by those who show up... Meet at 2 PM. 20 to 30 miles.
Thursday at Barnsburg. (Tomorrow night)
Races Remaining
Barnesburg Time Trial August Event - August 31
Club Event
We will probably promote a club ride to Sinking Valley Winery on September 20. Stay tuned.
2009 Team Development will get under way very soon.

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