Friday, August 8, 2008

2009 CAT 3/4 Team shaping up

Even though we have all been racing basically alone in our various categories for the last two years, 2009 seems to be the year we can field a significant 3/4 field for the 2009 Spring Kentucky/Indiana Spring Racing Series in the CAT 3/4 Racing..   This will start on or about March 1, 2009.  If your name appears below, please consider spending the fall and winter months with the team as we might pull off a good result for the 2009 spring series.

Jonathon Thompson is a CAT 3

Adam Bourne is a CAT 4 and may upgrade to CAT 3 Later this year - even as a  4, he can start the 2009 series in the 3/4 division

Jack Evans is a CAT 4 but is eligible to upgrade to CAT 3.  Upgrade or not, we will ask Jack to begin to the 2009 Spring Training Series in the 3/4 Category

Jay Garman is a CAT V rider, but he is qualified to upgrade to CAT 4. As a racing team, we are asking him to upgrade. When and if he does, we will field him in the 3/4 2009 Spring Series

Brad Herrman is a Cat V rider who has more than qualified for an upgrade to Cat 4.  This would make him eligible to begin the 2009 Spring Series in the 3/4 field with the rest of the team.

Aaron Denney is already a Cat 4 Rider but I think he plans to upgrade to CAT 3 as soon as he can... Aaron will populate the spring series 3/4 race series whether he upgrades or not.

Charles Senters has enough racing expertise to Cat up to a 4 and join all of us in the 3/4 2009 KY/IN spring contest. Charles will be a great asset.
Kentucky/Indiana Spring Series Team (3/4) Roster
Jonathon Thomson
Jack Evans
Adam Bourne
Aaron Denney
Jay Garman
Charles Senters
Brad Hermman
We also have several riders who will begin the 2009 Series at Cat 5.
This is a team.  We could possible put a rider up in the top five if not actually  win the series. Please begin to think about this now, going in to your  fall and winter training programs.  .

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