Friday, June 15, 2007

Cumberland Cycles News - June 15

Hello Crew!

Please visit our team links:
Cumberland Cycles Crew Club Blog  
Cumberland Cycles Races
Cumberland Cycles Crew Points Standings

I don't believe I've ever known a summer, at least as an amiture cyclist, where the cycling did not cave in a little bit during June and July. With the Rush of the Spring Racing over, the summer racing always seemed unimportant and unexciting to me... Not that there are no races... Our own Aaron Denny is going to be racing a lot this June and July. But it seems that the really important spring races are done now.... and the next really important races will be in August and especially September.  As for me, It seems I have always taken June and July "off" from racing - it never seemed to matter as much as spring or fall events.

Which isn't to say that we can take the summer off!  No not at all. We all need to race as much as we can or at least train in order to maintain as much of our spring conditioning as we can for the fall and the following year. It seems to me, now is the time to have fun on our bikes... tours - club rides and the occasional weekend crit.

The numbers are down for our club and team rides at Barnsburg and that is expected if not normal. Summers are busy for our team club members - and we can't always show up in the numbers that we did in the spring... and this is just fine. It doesn't mean that our club and team is caving in... it simply means that we are normal! 

With that said, I would like everybody to focus on two things.... The Tour De London in September and the 2008 Spring Racing Series. Some of our riders need to spend the summer putting down good foundations for the fall and next spring racing seasons. Others of us need to focus on maintenance. I don't care who you are or what your experience is.  We can get you ready to race for next year and with some success!!!  Now is the time to get motivated about 2008!

We will continue to meet at Barnsburg every Tuesday and Thursday at the established times and on weekends as well. Cycling is a summer activity, but it seems that racing is an activity best served up in the cool of spring and fall. But we certainly want to wish our summer die-hard racing fans (Aaron) great luck!

Somernights  Cruise 5k Cool Run and Walk
As a cycling club, we don't generally award points for non cycling or multisport events.  But any individual participating in June 23, Cool Run at Somernights Cruise wearing a Cumberland Cycles Jersey will earn the large sum of 20 points in our club standings and then will be awarded additional placement points based on our usual schedule.  Here is the event link: Somernites Cruise 5K Cool Run & Walk .  As a club, we are supporting this event, because several of our club members are on the commitee for this event and will be participating.

2008 Uniforms and Preparations

We need to schedule a meeting for 2008 planning. Please look for a posting and plan to attend!  We will be having the meeting during the month of June.

Remember to support Cumberland Cycles in any way possible!!!!!!  It is time to get started on 2008!!! 

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