Well it's been a while since I last sent out a "news from the handle bar"; a lot has been going on - Traveling - cycling - racing - I think most of you know that I have been traveling - gone from Somerset for the last two weeks. I have been in Indianapolis, Nashville and Colorado.... I have missed everybody - our club rides and racing, but I have had an excellent time! I flew into Denver last week, and was picked up by my friend, Deb (a honorary member of the Cumberland Cycles Club/Team) who lives In Colorado Springs (USA Cycling Head quarters/Chris Carmicle's home town/Olympic Training Center. Deb gave me a grand tour (cycling) of not only Colorado Springs, but a large portion of Central Colorado! Last Saturday, we rode an absolutely incredible circuit in The Garden of the Gods - huge red rock formations - stunning beauty.... very difficult to focus on the cycling. That same day, Deb and I rode up into Cheyenne Canyon - a climb from 6,200 feet to 7,450 feet in just three miles! (Somerset is at 900 feet). Of course, I was dizzy from the altitude, but I did fine after the day or two.
Last Sunday, Deb and I drove over to Leadville, CO and we rode out to the Cooper Ski area, and the Tennessee Pass on the Continental Divide. It was very interesting... there was a lot of snow still up in those passes, and the scenery was just incredible! After our ride to Cooper, we drove to Twin Lakes, and rode up to the snow-gate toward Independence Pass toward Aspen. We rode up past La Plata, a mountain over 14,000 feet so the scenery was simply beyond what I might say. The snow-gate was located at 11,500 feet above sea level, so we certainly did a lot of hard climbing.
After our ride, Deb and I had a great dinner at Twin Lakes, the details of which are none of your bossiness!
The rest of my week in Colorado Springs consisted of re-doing Deb's daily rides... up Cheyenne Canyon and the Garden of the Gods.
I am back home tonight and I will be glad to see everybody tomorrow night at Barnsburg!
I am extremely pleased to announce that Adam Bourne WON the CAT V Gran Fondo race in Whiteshouse, Tennessee last Saturday! We've been expecting Adam to capture a win soon, and we are very proud! Aaron Denny also raced and was pleased with his result.
Aaron Denny also raced in the Nashville Crit on Sunday and he placed 7th overall in the CAT V division!
We want to congratulate Aaron Denny and Adam Bourne for their great performances over the last weekend!
Cumberland Cycles held our third Barnsburg Time Trial of the 2007 season last Sunday and we had a good turnout! The results may be found here: Cumberland Cycles Crew Club Blog We want to thank everybody who helped and participated! A new course record was set by Mr. David Hayes from London! Good Job to David!
The team will participate in the largest race of the 2007 season this coming weekend in Nashville Tennessee - The Edgar Soto Stage Race. If anybody is interested in going to Nashville this weekend, please let JT know.
Now that the spring racing season is nearly over, the club/team can settle in to more fun activities... less intense racing - longer training rides and more development! NOW IS THE TIME for you to come out and begin to lay down a foundation for the 2008 racing season!
We are now an official USA Cycling Club!!!! Thanks to Marc Travis and all of our riders for their hard work and activity!
Always support Cumberland Cycles and our club in any way that you can!!
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