Well the spring racing season is officially over with Charlie and JT completing the last of the spring races! We have had a great first spring as Cumberland Cycles Crew Racing Team!!!! The Crew had 89 individual race starts in Cumberland Cycles gear and we have produced the #1 Ranked male CAT V rider in the state of Kentucky! Adam Bourne. Cumberland Cycles Crew Racing Team also had many very high finishes in various categories, age division and events! We have also been noticed in a very significant manner in the racing community. We are very proud of everybody who came out to race for Cumberland Cycles this spring and we are also very grateful!
The summer racing schedule will be pretty busy during the month of June with at least one race every weekend (see our race schedule for details). Typically, the race schedule caves in for the month of July, but then starts up again for August and September.
2008 Rider Recruitment and Uniforms
Now that the spring series is over, it is time for all of us to start thinking about 2008! We need to recruit riders for the 08 spring series, we need to design and order 08 uniforms and we need to look at sponsorships! We will be scheduling a meeting sometime soon and we'd love to have everybody's input - even if (and maybe even especially if) you don't plan to race. We will post a meeting time soon, and we will let you know. So long as you ride out of the Cumberland Cycles Shop, your input and presence at this organizational meeting will not only be appreciated, but it will be necessary. Please plan to attend, even if you have not been active in cycling this summer at all. We will need to get a lot of things settled for next year and we can use all of the input we can possibly get.
You have plenty of time to get ready for the 2008 racing season. I don't care who you are or what physical condition you are in. We have recourses available to us to get you ready to race for our team. Racing in 2008 will generally begin at the end of February, so you should be contacting us within the next eight weeks so we can get you in the system - we will get you the support you will need to enter bike racing in a very strong manner come next February!
We are now an official USCF Club and as soon as we sponsor our first race and get some sponsorships, we will be an official USCF Racing Team. We will be working on all of this over the summer.
Marc Travis is our President and Jack Evans is our Vice.
We have laid the preliminary ground work to host one of the Kentucky/Indiana Spring Series Races here in Somerset. We are thinking about having a circuit race beginning at the YMCA and going up hw 39 to Pump House Road, past the reservoir, right turn to climb the hill to East Somerset Baptist Church and then back to the YMCA. This would be a circuit race and the course will be completed several times. An actual name for this race could be decided at our summer meeting to be announced at a later time.
Suggestions for alternate courses will be appreciated.
We are still training on Tuesdays and Thursdays from the Barnsburg Church. The casual ride gets off at 5:30 on both of those days and the general team ride goes off at 6 PM. Weekend rides will be based on our racing schedule and is typically organized by word of mouth. So get yourself tapped into the information stream for weekend activities because our crew members generally either go off to race, ride or tour.
With Charlie Bailey's performance in last weeks grueling Edgar Soto Stage Race, it appears that Mr. Adam Bourne may have a serious challenger as our club points leader! Remember that our club points winner will receive a $300 gift certificate from Cumberland Cycles on October 6th at our first year-end Banquet. Please support our active racers by visiting our CLUB POINTS PAGE! Cumberland Cycles Club Points
Barnsburg Time Trial Series
Our Club time trial series will continue on Tuesday June 26 - first rider off at 7 PM. Check in at Barnsburg Church between 6 PM and 6:45 PM
Just a few reminders:
The remainder of our racing schedule may be found here: Cumberland Cycles Race
Our Blog: team Blog
REMEMBER!!!! Always buy from Cumberland Cycles! Support our bike shop in any way you possibly can.