Saturday, February 3, 2007

An Interesting Winter Expedition - Club Ride

SIX DAYS LEFT UNTIL OUR SEASON OPENER!   Godzulla Cycling Challenges

With the arctic weather pattern we've all been in - to think that the average high temperature for this time of the year is 46 F is unbelievably warm!!!  46 F would seem like a heat wave to us now!!!! 

Despite the very cold temps- Harvey Jack Brad and JT got out for a club ride on Saturday and rode our hilliest circuit - Piney Grove - White Lilly - Hanyes Knob
.  The high temp was 30 F and some of the north-facing inclines were covered in solid sheets of ice!!!  The hill up to Piney Grove and also the one up to Rock Knob were un-ride-able and saw at least three of the four of us walking up the hills - skating as it were - in our cleats!  Only Brad - our Mountain bike guru was able to stay upright on the ice! (at the amazment of the rest of us) Harvey and JT both went down on the ice!  The wind was also formidable!!!  It almost blew some of us right off the road!  But in terms of it being too cold - it wasn't and we all stayed warm - basking in the internal glow of great cycling enthusiasm! Harvey's remark made perfect sense - it wasn't any colder cycling in this weather than it would be skiing!  What a great way to look at it!

The four of us stayed together and had a very nice and exciting ride.  The last ten miles saw Harvey go to the front to give the rest of us a long free ride back in to town with Jack hammering the last significant climb.  Brad broke clear in the last 300 meters!

Try this:  It is very neat!

If you have any questions about bicycle road racing or training - please feel free to contact me or any other active cyclist that you know.  We have a great bunch of people riding for us and we are having a lot of fun!!!!  And we ain't even racing yet!

Support Cumberland Cycles

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