Thursday, February 1, 2007

The Cumberland Cycles Team - 2007

From Left to Right:

Jonathon Thompson - Mark Henry - Harvey Scheleter - Brad Herman - Adam Borne - Jack Evans - Mark Travis (shop owner/sponser/team mechanic) - David Howard -

Many of our team/club members were unable to make short notice team photo oppertunity and I will list them all at a later time.


The Commonwealth Journal News Paper - Susan Weeldon contacted me Wednesday night and wanted to write an article about our team in the up and coming issue of one of their publications.  I suppose those reporters are somewhat overworked because she said that she had a deadline for Friday Morning! So Jack Evans and Marc Travis and I scrambled around to make a few phone calls in order to get a team photo done at the bike shop Thursday evening at 545 PM.  I am sorry that we did not have more notice for those who would have liked to have taken part but we had a good turnout with as little as 6 hours notice!  Even though the reporters deadline is on Friday - the CJ is sending out their top notch photographer to get some "action" photos of the team for Saturdays ride (weather permitting).  The CJ will compose a good article about our team in one of their magazine publications so I hope we get a good turn out for Saturdays ride so Dennis can get some good photos of all of us! 

Saturdays ride will start at the Vision Center at 12 Noon and since it is supposed to be cold - we will keep the miles down to about 20 or 30.  Please plan to attend wearing Cumberland Cycling clothing (if at all possible) so we can have a good photo session!  If you don't have CCC gear - show up anyway as we want all of our riders to participate! This article will be a great way for us to attract new riders to our cause and that is one of our "missions".

FEB 10

A Club Time Trail will be held on Feb 25 at Barnsburg - a flyer will be published soon

The important
KY/IN Spring Training Series begins on March 3

If you are a beginning cyclist or simply have not  been training for a while - please join us for a foundation ride on Saturday - February 3 at 9 AM from Barnsburg Church.  If the temps are not predicted to be above 40 F by the start time of the ride - it will be canceled. This will be a completely non-agressive ride consisting of 10 to 15 miles at a tolerable place.

As the days get longer - we will schedule many more foundation rides!!!  But for now - we will have at least one ride every weekend until the weather and daylight time improves!  This weeks ride will be hosted by JT - and David Howard.

With the cold weather - not much as a team has been going on.  Thursday nights at Total Rehab has been ongoing

Friday Feb 2:  Brad and JT plan to ride 40 at about noon
Saturday: Feb 3 - newspaper photos- 25-30 miles @VisionCenter at 12 Noon - CCC Jerseys if possible
Sunday:Feb 4  - cold weather - TBA

If you have any questions about bicycle road racing or training - please feel free to contact me or any other active cyclist that you know.  We have a great bunch of people riding for us and we are having a lot of fun!!!!  And we ain't even racing yet!

Support Cumberland Cycles

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