Monday, February 5, 2007

Cumberland Cycles News - First Race Possibly on Ice

With the cold weather pattern we've been in - it appears to be likely that the Godzulla Race on February 10 will be postponed to February 24.  If the current extended forecast for Saturday continues to hold - even if they conduct the race - I do not plan to attend.  This early season race just isn't important enough to drive three hours up and three hours back only to race in temps less than 30F.  There are many more races within the next few weeks - so this will be no big loss.  If - by some Universal Intervention - the forecasted temps for the Cincy Area improve - I will certainly go do the race.  For now it does not look good. 

We are planning to conduct a club Time Trial on Feb 25 and we will post a flyer soon. So this may be our "first event" as a team and that would be nice as well.  With this cold weather - I think everybody's miles have dropped and we don't want to kill ourselves to get to a sanctioned race so early in the season especially when none of us have been training particularly hard. 

If the Godzulla race does not work out for us - our next official event will be the first road race in the Kentucky/Indiana Spring Training Series: 
March 3

Regardless of the weather and/or if some of us get to go to the Godzulla Event - the team will be riding Friday Saturday and Sunday this coming weekend.  I will post times later in the week.

If you are a beginning cyclist or simply have not  been training for a while - please join us for a foundation ride. We will organize a ride as soon as we get a favorable forecast. If the temps are not predicted to be above 40 F by the start time of the ride - it will be canceled. This will be a completely non-agressive ride consisting of 10 to 15 miles at a tolerable place.

Try this:  It is very neat!

Start several experienced riders in the
2007 Tour De London

If you have any questions about bicycle road racing or training - please feel free to contact me or any other active cyclist that you know.  We have a great bunch of people riding for us and we are having a lot of fun!!!!  And we ain't even racing yet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just found out about this team and it's infamous JT as a member...

When I first began cycling in 1989, JT was a growing legend in middle TN. I was a junior and  he took me under his wing. We trained together, ate his gourmet Chinese cooking together, fished together, listened to a lot of music...and reveled in grinding other people's (and eachothers) legs to pulp on the bike.

One thing I loved about JT is he never did anything half-assed. He can outsuffer anyone and doesn't quit. And, he has a great heart fueled by passion. So to see him resurface in cycling again is a great thing. He can teach anyone, even a seasoned pro, about discipline.

I went on to race in  Europe, turn pro in the US, manage an elite team and host the USCF National Road Championships in Nashville. JT left a footprint in my life that will last forever. I now live way up in the Rocky Mountains with my wife and a passel of kids, where I mountain bike a bit and trail run a lot.

JT, you're welcome anytime...

Kevin Miller