Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Team News - January 30


Jack Evans and I have discussed conducting a club time trail event on February 25.  This will be a good weekend to have a club event as those interested will be racing on February 10 and March 3 in Sanctioned events and there is nothing else scheduled in our area for this weekend.  Carrie and Chris Altmaier have been asked to coordante/time the event and we are certainly hoping they will get involved with our club in manners such as this!  They have not yet agreed to our request but have expressed interest - so if you know Carrie and Chris - please put in a good word for us!

A club flyer will be published within a week or so with directions to the course but it will be conducted on the same course the club has been holding this event for the past couple of years - the road in front of Barnsburg Baptist Church just off Kentucky Highway 80 east of Somerset KY - The course is an eight mile (four miles out and four miles back) - slightly rolling course and the event will be held at multiple times though out the up and coming year.

For this event - even though this is a non-sanctioned event - we plan to invite the Lindsey Wilson Team- the London Crew - Gran Fondo in Nashville and the Indianapolis folks.  I doubt any of these people will show up for an 8 mile event when they are so focused on higher miles with their team rides but maybe we'll get a stray participant.

Whether you are a seasoned racer or a beginner - please plan to come out as we'd be delighted to post a time for you!  Remember - only one person posts the fastest time in a time trail event. The rest of us use the information and exercise for training purposes!  It doesn't matter how slow or fast you may be - but that you showed up and posted an effort with which you may determine you future progress!

With Jack's blessing - we will hold this same event periodically  throughout 2007 and perhaps we may even get the event sanctioned in the future!

If you have any questions about bicycle road racing or training - please feel free to contact me or any other active cyclist that you know.  We have a great bunch of people riding for us and we are having a lot of fun!!!! And we ain't even racing yet!

Support Cumberland Cycles

Bob Speaks (an email from JT's Coach in Indy)


    Good to finally hear your voice again. The
godzulla race is run under the american bicycle
racing. go to http://www.ambikerace.com for license
application. The office is in Kenosha, WI

A promoter out of Columbus, OH has some Saturday races
on Feb. 17 and 24. go to
http://www.teamcolumbus.org   for his schedule. He
DOES have masters races, although the prizes are only
merchandise and not money. Nonetheless, I will likely
do the Masters races. We can do some attacks and
counters in these races. Work on fitness over there.

this godzulla race will be attrition; survival. The
goal is to finish it.

talk to ya in a couple days,


Saturday, January 27, 2007

January 27


I have started a team blog here:   Cumberland Cycles Crew Racing Team  You may find race flyers - club ride info and other stuff!  It is not real fancy but it will serve our purposes!  Please feel free to send photos and other information you'd like to see posted on our blog!  It will get better as time goes on.

Cumberland Cycles will be making a jersey order soon
.  If you don't have a Cumberland Cycles Jersey - be sure to pick one up as soon as you can.

Our team member Brad seems to have very good knowledge of sports nutrition.  If you have any questions about such matters - please contact Mark Travis who will get you in touch with Brad.

I don't suppose any comes to mind -
Harvey and JT and Walter (JTs Dad) rode about 20 miles Wednesday afternoon out to the winery and back to Shopeville School!  It was a very nice ride even though it was cold and overcast - the company and conversation was warm and heart lifting

Brad and JT rode 1003/1675 in a timed effort for Brad on Friday
.  It was a sunny day but very cold!  In this - his baseline effort - Brad posted a very respectable time!  We are very excited to have Brad ridding for us this year -

On Saturday six Cumberland cycle crew members rode the 1003/1675 loop (42 miles).  Charles (Sir Hammer) set a very brisk early pace and the ride continued at a high pace the entire ride!  Adam is back riding with us again and it is very good to have him. His ability to climb punished the entire group the whole ride.  He took six weeks off the bike to train for a marathon and it seems that he didn't loose an ounce of his strength!  This was a very progressive ride and everyone rode very well! I came away from the ride thinking that we truly are beginning to form a powerful group of riders!!!  I really appreciate "Sir Hammers" aggressive style in our recent rides. The pressure Charles brings to the rides lately leaves all of scrambling for a "wheel" right off the bat and that is good for all of us!   Combine this with his general knowledge and enthusiasm of cycling - including MT biking and Sir Hammer (Charles) is certainly one of our key riders!  No wonder I had heard so much about him last fall!

Thursday night indoor training at Total Rehab has been a success and several crew members are showing up for that.  Thanks to Jeff P.  for opening his facility for the "crew"!

Thursday - February 1 - Indoor Training at Total Rehab @ 830 PM Thursdaynights

Wednesday- January 31:  Harvey and JT will ride  @230 PM from the vision center

Friday- February 2:  Brad and JT will ride at 1030 AM from the vision center

Saturday - February 3:  Cumberland Cycles Crew will Sponsor a "foundation" ride  beginning at 9AM (weather permitting = temps greater than 40 F) @ 9 AM from Barnsburg Church - contact Mark Travis at Cumberland Cycles for directions
. This will be a group ride averaging 10-15 mph with no attacking allowed!  Distances will be from 10 to 15 miles and is specifically designed for anybody who is just beginning cycling or who is just beginning cycling for the year. This is called a "foundation" ride because we want to offer new or old/new riders a way to build up their own personal foundations in cycling.  Saturdays ride will be sponsored by JT - call him at 606-215-8307 if you are interested.

Saturday - February 3 - General Club Ride at 12 Noon - 60 miles from the Vision Center
Sunday - February 4 - General Club Ride at 130 PM - 25-40 miles
Saturday - February 10 - Godzulla Road Race - Cincinnati - This is a training  session for us- Cumberland Cycles will not be contesting this race.  We simply want to show up and ride in the wheels.  Anybody interested in going - we will try to arrange for group transportation or caravan - here is the flyer: 

see Mark Travis at Cumberland Cycles

If you are a beginning cyclist or simply have not  been training for a while - please join us for a foundation ride on Saturday - February 3 at 9 AM from Barnsburg Church
.  If the temps are not predicted to be above 40 F by the start time of the ride - it will be canceled. This will be a completely non-agressive ride consisting of 10 to 15 miles at a tolerable place.

As the days get longer - we will schedule many more foundation rides!!!  But for now - we will have at least one ride every weekend until the weather and daylight time improves!  This weeks ride will be hosted by JT -

see club blog under "other journals"

It looks as if we may have a large group of Cat V racers for our fist event!  February 10 will be our first road race and Harvey- Jack - Jeff - Brad and Charles will all be racing 40 miles together!!!  Even though this is a designated team-training race - with that many riders- perhaps something could land in our laps!!!!!!  At the same race - JT will be racing alone as a cat II in a 63 mile race

You may either buy a lic on the day of the race or you may go to USAcycling and purchase an annual lic

With this race less than 200 miles away from Somerset- we will plan to leave Somerset on the morning of the race and return the same day -

It is important for us to field as manycat Vs as possible in Feb because we need to start moving folks up into higher cats as soon as possible

If you have any questions about bicycle road racing or training - please feel free to contact me or any other active cyclist that you know.  We have a great bunch of people riding for us and we are having a lot of fun!!!!  And we ain't even racing yet!

Support Cumberland Cycles

January 20

the onset of actual winter weather- many riders have turned to indoor training!  Harvey and JT rode about 23 miles Wednesday afternoon and it seemed they rode about one mile for every degree F on the thermometer!  It wasn't hardley that cold but the downhills reached windchills less that Zero I'm sure!

Here are some websites for anybody wishing to get started on the cycling license process:
www.usacycling.org -- Buy a License

www.usacycling.org -- Road Categorization Guidelines - Upgrades

Did anybody know that our very own team/club rider Harvey S is a former movie star?  Harvey is from Indiana and atteneded Indiana University at a very unique time! Harvey and his wife Donna were extras in the famous cycling movie  "Breaking Away".  As I understand it- Donna was a member of the cheering crowd and Harvey actually participated in "The Little 500" bike race that was filmed for the movie! Harvey is currently an Optomitrist here in Somerset and we meet regularly at his office for group rides (The Vision Center)!  I guess Harvey has been a cycling nut for a very long time!
With the onset of actual winter weather- many riders have turned to indoor training this week!  Harvey and JT rode about 23 miles Wednesday afternoon and it seemed they rode about one mile for every degree F there was on the thermometer!  It wasn't hardly that cold but the downhills reached windchills less that Zero I'm sure!  At the bottom of Wesley's Chapel Hill- Harvey made mention of the perspiration on his forehead turning to frost!

Mark Travis - Tim/Dave and Brad rode last Sunday up on the Science Hill area and I expect that was a nice ride!  I hope this ride becomes a habit because it would be nice for our riders to have an alternate ride to go to besides the main team ride (which can get intense).  Even though last Sunday they rode road bikes - these fellows have a normal weekend mt bike ride as well.  Contact Mark Travis for more information about this.

It would be great to see somebody sponsor a regular beginners ride - perhaps even a regular intermediate ride! (more below)

Indoor Training at Total Rehab @ 830 PM Thursdaynights
Friday - January 19:  Brad and JT will ride 40 - 60 miles starting @1030 AM at the vison center
Saturday - January 20:  11AM @ the Vision Center - course and length to be decided by the group onsite(hopefully 30+)
Sunday - January 21:  130 PM @ The Vision Center -  course and length to be decided by the group onsite(hopefully 30+)
Tues/Thurs early evening Barnsburg rides will continue when the time changes in April

I need to get myself a Cumberland Cycles Jersey - so when I say that it is time to see if the group would "dress out" on some of our rides - I am talking to myself as much as anybody else.  With as many as nine riders showing up for our group rides- we are getting some attention from the community:  It would be great to see everybody wearing a Cumberland Cycles Jersey!!!   Perhaps we could all begin to accept Saturdays as the official team/shop ride - and dress in the team uniform on that day.  Team Jerseys may be purchased at Cumberland Cycles of course -

Hopefully we can get a beginners and intermediate ride going soon!  I am sure there are a lot more people out there in Somerset who would ride and train if they could attend a serene group/club ride with no pressure to ride hard or keep up.  We could call it a Yellow Flag ride and strongly discourage competitive pedaling - it would be a ride for beginners and intermediates or for anybody who is a cyclist that needs a recovery ride and/or feels compelled to support cycling in our community by actually riding beside new riders and offering advice and encouragement. Folks could have a place to start and then join the general group rides when they feel like it - I know from personal experience that most of the rides in our area end up being much too fast and hard-core for the beginner or intermediate cyclist. (When I started back last September - these fellows and gals kicked my butt!) So we do need an alternative ride for our riders who are just starting up or just starting back!
::The Tennessee Bicycle Racing Association::
Godzulla Cycling Challenges
Series Races
TN 07 Races
Tortuga Team Profile for Bob Brooks
Curtis Tolson - Wenzel Coaching - cycling coach
Texas Roadhouse
Gran Fondo Cycles, Nashville TN
and many more
If you have any questions about bicycle road racing or training - please feel free to contact me or any other active cyclist that you know.  We have a great bunch of people riding for us and we are having a lot of fun!!!!  And we ain't even racing yet!

Support Cumberland

January 16

The weekend past was host to some great rides!!  First- on Saturday - Charles and Brad had an excellent and kick-butt mt bike ride from the Sheltowee Trace Trail head on hw 192 down around Laurel Lake - they then proceeded across the dam and continued on the Sheltowee down to the Mouth of Laurel boat ramp. They then rode back to the cars on the roads for a total of 21 miles!  I can't even imagine a mt bike ride that long! 

At the same time Brad and Charles were riding mt bikes around Laurel Lake - Harvey Jack and JT rode from the Vision Center to London - 60 miles! Even though it was supposed to rain all day Saturday - it never did and we all ended up with excellent rides and great mileage's!  Even though Jack has been sick the week past- he rode the 60 miles to London as if it were "nothing"!  He was an animal the entire way!

Sunday was host to our biggest club ride yet!  And again - even though it was supposed to rain- it never did!  Sundays ride included a total of nine riders. We rode out hw 192 to White Lilly then turned right on hw 1643 and took that across to Haynes Knob and back to town on Rush Branch Road.  This is our hilliest ride with more vertical relief per-length in miles.  Everybody rode strong with the total average pace being over 17 MPH -  And two of the riders had ran before the ride something crazy like "16" miles! Or so they said.  I know for a fact that they had run - i saw them - but i think they were joking about it being 16 miles.  The "dynamic duo":  Charles and Brad rode probably the most aggressively and those two are largely responsible the relatively fast overall pace!  And this after they had ridden 21 miles on MT bikes the day before!  I think we might have to separate those two from now on. I think they may work well together so beware if you ride with them any time soon.  On the ride- once at Haynes Knob - the decenders - Brad Charles and Jeff got at least a minute or more clear of every body else  by descending at 50+ mph and it took a very concentrated effort by Harvey JT and Rick to catch them before they got back to the city limits.  But once the group was reunited - a very fast and well organized string formed which Harvey soon shattered by going off the front in a very dramatic break.  The group reformed at the 914 crossing - but as soon as we crossed and headed in to town - Bradattacked very hard and stayed clear several minutes.  His own pal - Charles was solely responsible for bringing him back to the group and the rest of us just watched as passengers in the string as Charles reeled his own buddy back in. Once Charles pulled all of us back to Brad - Charles simply climbed onto Brads wheel and made him continue to pull all of us past the  town limits. With a mile or two left to go - several very nice attempts were made by Jeff and Harvey and Charles to get clear and it was a very impressive ride!!!  We certain are coming together as a group and it is so great to see!!!  More and more riders are be coming able to cope with the general pace of the group which is making for some very exciting and interesting dynamics!  Absent on Sundays ride was Jacks usual endgame sculpting!  Apparently - having been sick all last week and a hard 60 mile ride the day before made Jack seem a little more "human" on this ride.  With the way Jack has been riding-I'd say that he's due a day off for recovery!  It was nice having Jeff on the ride as he is certainly one of the most elegant  and strong riders in the group.  It is simply amazing to watch Jeff ride up these large climbs and make it look so incredibly effortless! I have never - not once - ever seen Jeff get out of the saddle to pound the peddles!  It is poetry in motion.  We just hope that Jeff will be able to Join us in some of our races this spring.

Other rides this week past - Harvey Arron and JT had a nice ride on Wednesday afternoon - out to Haynes Knob and back to town through Cabin Hollow.  Arron is a very enthusiastic rider who could be one of the greats because of his love for cycling.  I am really excited to see what happens when Arron gets a good foundation period in him.  He will be a very dynamic member of our thin yellow line- and with the heart and soul this fellow has - just get him to the end of a race in contention and his "can do" attitude may very well produce a few wins for the Cumberland Crew.

We are missing Adam Bourne and Rogers Whitlock and great deal.  Adam is currently training for a marathon so he is not bike training until February.  Also - Mark Travis currently has his beautiful bike broken down into a million pieces overhauling it! 

Two things we need to do for the group this week:  Mark Travis at Cumberland Cycles has agreed to allow us to put up a club dry-board at the shop. On this board we want to list up and coming group rides and list a schedule of the next several races.  We will try to do that this week.  We could use some donations in order to purchase the dry-board. 

Also - with group rides consisting of nine people like today - it would be great to get everyone dressed out in Cumberland Cycles clothing.  If you do not have a Cumberland Cycles Jersey to ware on some group rides - it would be great if you would go ahead and do that.  I haven't done it - so I'm talking to myself as well!

The Commonwealth Journal has agreed to publish an article about our team and Cumberland Cycles Bike and Skate Shop - They will be joining us sometime within the next few weeks to compose an article about our new team and our shop and cycling in general in our area- We'd love to have a large turn out for when the reporter shows up:  I will send out a notice when they will come out to take photos and interview our group members.  I am sure they will want to interview Mark Travis as well -

every Wednesday at 230 PM from the Vision Center
Sat - January 20 - JT will probably go to Nashville to ride with Gran Fondo
Sun - January 21 -JT will probably go to Nashville to ride with Gran Fondo
jt rides every day at 230-3:00- you are welcome to join (606) 215-8307
BARNSBURG:  rides will continue when the time changes in April

Anybody and everybody is welcome to join me in Nasvhille for a 20-30 rider group ride for Saturday -

DONT FORGET ABOUT JEFF PARMLEYS THURSDAY INDOOR TRAINING AT TOTAL REHAB EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT AT 830!  This is a great program!  For more information- contact Mark Travis at Cumberland Cycles.

First Road Race Date:  February 10- up near Cincinnati
there will be a race every weekend after Feb 10 for the rest of the year
In the Feb 10 race - our goal is to simply sit in the pack and get some time riding in a peleton -

The first TimeTrail event for the year will be March 10 in Alcoa Tennessee - I will try to provide race flyers at Cumberland Cycles when i can get my hands on them

In terms of running-biking - or running-swimmin-biking events - I am not in the information pipeline for those events so maybe when one of our tri-geeks can provide information to Cumberland Cycles on any of those events you may come across -

January 10-11- 2007

We are only thirty days from the first road race of the 07 season and it looks like there are several early season time trails in Tennessee and Indiana (March and April) which may appeal to our clubs strong tri-cyclic component!  Race flyers are slowing in coming but it looks like the first time trial in in Alcoa, TN on March 10 - 07 with several more TT events up in Indiana.  Road races - TT and Crits are being organized and we could race pretty much every weekend of the year starting in late feb or early march -

Harvey S Jack E and JT have been able to pack on some good winter miles with some great rides over recent weekends.  For those of you who do not train overwinter please feel free to get with us when ever you feel comfortable with the weather.  We are looking forward to some great rides and races this spring and summer!!   I know many of you are concentrating on swimming and running this winter - and that makes since.

We want to welcome Brad to the peleton - a new road cyclist who has tremendous potential!!  Brad is an avid mountain biker who has recently been bitten by the road cycling bug. He is young and powerful and could possibly develop in to one our greatest road racers!  I am personally very excited to have Brad in the fold!  We have other new cyclists joining us that we are excited about as well.  Dave has been riding with us a bit as well as with the London group and he appears to be a very powerful sprinter.  We are looking forward to seeing him complete his foundation!  Arron - currently living in Bowling Green - is from Somerset and has logged some significant sport miles this past year and we are looking forward to his aspirations to join our racing group.

It seems Harvey continues to provide the physical backbone to the group - always setting the pace and always eager for a "firefight" and seemingly always fit enough to be an offensive and defensive cyclist.  Jack - the wise ole man of the group - tends always be alive and well through out all of our rides and tends to ride and in an extremely intelligent manner (whether by accident or on purpose - i can't decide).  Jack is the quiet  ridder who rides a calm and serene MO but seems to be right in the middle of all the exciting razz-a-ma-tazz almost totally controlling any "endgame" that might develop. If Harvey is one of the strongest riders we have - Brad one of the most promising- I would have to say that Jack is one of the smartest.  Jack starts SHT that he knows he can't finish but controls rides in manners he sees fit - whether by accident or on purpose - who knows but it happens almost every time!  And then there's Rick R - always eager to cast himself headlong into any extreme effort in the classic Iron man philosophy.  When  Rick R shows up on rides - it seems he always goes off the front leaving the rest of us in organized chase mode.  Roger - a time trial specialist-  is the best big-man climber you will ever meet.  Adam is one of our best riders who simply will not go away under any circumstance and attacks every incline he comes upon - when it comes to climbing - it seems Adam is the first man always!  Jeff may be the fastest ridder in our area - a California transplant.  Jeff has adopted the Lance Armstrong spin and pays great dividends for him as very few of us can stay with him when he decides to "go" - Jeff never ever gets out of the saddle - and when we tease him - he says - calmly - that he can't - he has a rip in an unfortunate location in his cycling shorts!

As a group- we have been unable to organize consistent rides with everybody in the area and therefore we have been unable to practice group organization to any great extent.  We have been able to execute some short-pull double paceline exercises but with the varied strength levels our riders and our demanding terrane - group organization has been difficult to maintain.  But that is not a problem; every Cumberland Cycles cyclist I have met has their own very unique set of strengths and goals and I am very pleased to be a part of what we are doing here in Somerset!

Having ridden 2500 miles in the last four months with Cumberland Cycles - and just thirty days from the beginning of our race season - please allow me to introduce our most promising early season riders!  Harvey S- Jack E -Adam B- Rick R- and Brad (FNG).  There are many other riders who will rise up to meet later races but these are the individuals who will race (hopefully) for our shop in the early season.

Every Wednesday at 230 PM from the Vison Center
Sat - January 13 - foul weather - TBA-  call JT 2158307
Sun - January 14 - foul weather - TBA - call JT 2158307

January 4 - 2007

The Crew had an excellent ride to the Sinking Valley Winery Christmas Eve.  Eight riders showed up and we made a good appearance at the tasting room!  They know who we are now for sure so maybe we could eventually end up with a small sponsorship from them!  It was a very nice 38 mile ride which saw several riders driving back out to the place after the ride to purchase some wine!

There have been several rides - Jack E Harvey S and Rick R all continue to train through the winter.  With the holidays - mileage's have dropped and that is to be expected - but it is the New Year now and we are exactly five weeks before the first sanctioned road race!!! Of course - early races are virtually meaningless but they are good training exercises and I am hoping that a few Cumberland Cycle Crew Members will Join me on Feb 10 up near the Ciny Intrntnl Airport for this fist official road race just to hang on to the pack.  After that- there is a bike race every weekend within 200 miles of Somerset for the rest of the year!   All of this culminates in September for the Kentucky Road Race Championships which will be held in London!    Even if you have been completely dormant for a long time- you still have plenty of time to get ready to race for us and we would love to have you join in on the fun!  It only takes about six to eight weeks of highly focused and dedicated training to prepare yourself for good finishes!

In the mean time several team members have been busy building up good carma by training in some very nasty weather! rain/cold/high hills - long climbs and massive head winds; carma in as much as no effort goes unrewarded!  And based on some group rides lately - I think the "Crew" will do well!

I am hoping to talk Jack E in to holding a mid-winter eight mile time trial sometime soon for anybody who wants a mid-winter result -

As always- please support Cumberland Cycles in every possible way!!

December 20 - 2006

The Crew has had some excellent rides recently.  The fastest ride so far this winter must to be our recent ride from the Mill Springs Battlefield to Cumberland Point. It was short and fast - exactly the kind of ride that I hate!!!!!!!  Rick Rice set a fast pace and got away and the rest of the crew had to set up a pace line just to reel him back in!!  It was a fantastic effort on Rick's part as he stayed away for several miles but also showed good organizational skills and strength on the part of the rest of us (in the community effort to chase Rick down!)

In terms of up and coming group rides - there will be a ride this Saturday (12/23) from The Vision Center (corner of Jarvis and East Mt Vernon in Somerset) up to the Sinking Valley Winery.  It is a 38 mile ride (19 mile one-way) with only one significant climb (Grundy Road).  The remainder of the course is "roller-coaster-ish".  It will be an "out and back" ride with a wine-tasting interlude for anyone who so desires!  Sunday is open but if anybody is interested I will be riding from Shopville School out 1003 - back to Stab on 1675 and back to the School on old 80 - about 40 miles.

I am riding every day so if you are interested in road racing for Cumberland Cycles- give me a call if you are interested - 606-215-8307 - 

There are races every weekend starting very early this year in Indiana and Tennessee.  It looks like the first race is on Feb 10 - 07 with a hilly road race up near Cincinnati - here is the flyer:   http://www.godzulla.com/schabobele/schabobele_flyer.pdf

Merry Christmas to everybody!!!!!  As always be sure to support Cumberland Cycles in any way you possibly can.  I do believe that Mark can do gift certificates so you can support the cyclists in your family and also support the cyclists on your local racing team!!!!

November 30

Ok Cumberland Cycle Crew!  Thanksgiving has come and gone and this is the week that most serious cyclists begin putting down foundations for the next racing season.  We've had some great rides this fall and it is apparent that we have some very enthusiastic and capable riders here in Somerset.  Indiana and Tennessee have published some races for 2007 already and these include road races - crits and time trials.  There are even some stage races scheduled!  I have not even heard from Ohio or any of the other surrounding states.  We have plenty of races we can go to within a days drive of home!

Now it is the time to pick up and begin training!  And I would love to have you join us at what ever level you are comfortable with!  In 2007 I will be racing for Cumberland Cycles and I intend to race as many weekends as i possibly can.  I don't know yet if i will do well - but that doesn't really matter at this point. Obviously - as many Cumberland Cycles Jerseys we can put in a race the better.  So far - the two powerhouse teams in our region are the Texas Road House team out of Louisville (currently #1 in midwest) and Grand Fondo out of Nashville.  I have former associates on both of these teams so it may be possible to have very good race relations with these people.  But perhaps our greatest hope for success is with another team out of Indianapolis who - to my understanding - is new and was organized to dethrone the Texas Road House boys - they are good people and would be willing to work with us at least in the early season races -

Right now - it really does not matter what level you are at - or what catigory you will race in!  We need anybody and everybody who might want to show up and race!  If you've ever wanted to race bikes - now is the time to contact me or Mark Travis at Cumberland Cycles.  Now is the time to begin preparing for the 2007 bike racing season!!!  I would be happy to prepare a training program for anybody who needs one -

Here is the Current Tennessee Schedule -  TN 07 Races

As always - do us all a favor and support our local bike shop! Cumberland Cycles